Saturday, February 24, 2007

And So It Ends

Sometimes it comes before you think it would, before the natural end plays out as you envisioned it.

Funny thing, this vision stuff.

It has a way of clarifying that which you thought to be true, wanted to be true, would have sworn to be true. We’ve had a lot of people here in Keyport of late, reexamining what they thought they saw, wanted to see, believed to be true on so many fronts.

So much disappointment when the reality was found, that in the end of the realization process, the only option is to step aside and let it play out without your involvement. To allow others the room to be who they truly are – without your hope or disappointment in them weighing them down. Perhaps with the additional light allowed through from your absence, comes the ability to see the shortfalls and maybe allow some growth.

At least that’s what I want to be true, think to be true, hope to be true……

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