Thursday, December 21, 2006

I Wonder?land

Given this seasons’ penchant for the make believe, it is not surprising that the battle between The Donald & Rosie O’Donnell would be front and center in the news cycles of late.

Apparently the Miss USA “scandals” qualify for hours upon hours of scrutiny by everyone and with it the eventual fallout by these two great mind trusts. The Donald takes a failing asset, the Miss USA pageant, and turns it into something everyone wants to know about and Rosie takes the bait, thereby extending this make believe important story’s life for another day or two or three.

While we are focused on this “important” diversion, the meter keeps running in Iraq at $10 million dollars an hour. That is correct, an hour. The American deaths are fast approaching the 9/11 losses. The president is about to ask for another $100 billion in funding for this effort and perhaps another 30,000 troops and, in an “oh-by-the-way” moment at his recent press conference, tells Americans to go shopping.

How can the focus of what’s really important be put where it belongs?

Perhaps we should have Miss USA go and do her rehab in Baghdad where she can dance on tables and make-out with Miss Teen Iraq in a bathroom in the Green Zone.

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